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Bee-banquet bee feeder at work

Our Mission

Over the last few decades, bees' environments have been disrupted by the use of pesticides, increased pollution, and sweeping land development, leading to a dwindling honeybee population and a scarcity of nectar and pollen.


Now more than ever, it’s important that we take

action to safeguard the honey bee population and the ecosystems they sustain. Bee Banquet is dedicated to developing innovative, sustainable, and user-friendly bee feeders that ensure nourishment and survival of honey bees.


Together, we can make a difference and help save the honey bees, one Bee Banquet at a time!

Why Blue & White?

Bees have excellent eye sight.  They can see each individual petal on a flower and see colors five times faster than humans. Bees color vision is the fastest in the animal world.   Every bee has two large compound eyes and three color photoreceptors.  Bees can only see blue, violet, and “bee’s purple", which is a combination of yellow and ultraviolet light. Humans cannot see that color.  Studies have shown that the bees are attracted to ultraviolet colors: PURPLE, VIOLET and BLUE. 

Our feeders are colored blue to attract the bees.

Summer honey

The first pull of summer honey is in and it's delicious! Keep an eye out for the next blog showing how it was pulled and bottled.

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